This book is full of research and knowledge by top educators from Ivy League schools, education editors, journalist and experts on admissions. The author Loren Pope,  was a Washington newspaperman who led the fight for better schools because he realized how uninformed the public was about colleges.  He has written two books: The Right College:How to Get In, Stay In, Get Back In and Looking Beyond the Ivy League: Finding the College That’s Right For You

Loren Pope contributes to professional journals and speaks at meetings of the National Association of College Admissions Counselors.

Dr. Stanely N. Katz, director of Princeton’s Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies is also the president emeritus of the American Council of Learned Societies and both a Harvard University alum and former faculty member. He has to say this:

“Not a single Ivy offers the benefits these colleges do. They lack the kind of student-teacher dialogue , the close sense of community, the collaborative learning, the emphasis on values and student growth…”

“In many of these Ivy League schools you will never write a paper. Nearly half of you enormous classes will be taught by part-timers, many of whom can barely speak English. After graduation you’ll be deflated when the elite school’s name on teh diploma doesn’t mean much because all it represents  that you have high academic aptitude and worked hard in high school”

A Princeton alum who’d been a National Merit Scholar said that the market value of his degree “lasted about fifteen minutes”

Each Blog will be titled after  the college and some quotes from intellects will be added as well as physical features, majors, accomplishments and interesting facts.