“Some secret strategy can get me admitted to college.”

Steven says “No way.” There is no strategy or secret that can unlock the admission door. He suggests that you disregard books that say otherwise.  Students think if they get a letter of recommendation from a Senator (who doesn’t really know them), join clubs to just add to their portfolio but enjoy it, or do community service just to add that to their profile are just fooling themselves.

Some student agonize over essay for days without realizing it’s not the topic that matters. The key is to be yourself as you go through the admission process. Avoid gimmicks, says Steven and do not try to package yourself in wrappings that are not you. One thing to keep in mind is that college admissions counselors read thousands and thousands of applications and they can see right through these misplaced energies. Steven says to choose colleges that fit, not colleges where you feel your fate depends on sophisticated application strategies.

Stay tuned for Myth#11- “Relying on magazine lists of “Best Colleges” is the best way to determine whether a college is right for me”