Myth 12 says “If I don’t know what career I’ll pursue, I can’t really choose a college”

Steven say there’s only one chance in 10 that a person will be doing anything connected to their major, 10 years out of college. If you know what you want to major in then it narrows down choices but if you do not know your major it is perfectly OK.  Think along the lines of what kind of academic experience you want in college or what type of social experience or what are the kids like at your ideal college?

High school is a good time to consider career choices and explore those possibilities, do research in the field you might want to study, shadow your ideal job.

Steven add that college is not only about life after college. It is also about life during college and he suggests you find a place where you will be happy.

Stay tuned for the final myth #13- “A good college is hard to get into.”