Benefits of Studying 


Getting good grades is very rewarding and it make you feel like you are on top of the class. But it takes hard work and real effort to get those grades. So what do you do? You study! Studying is the most efficient way to improve test scores and grades. Here are a few tips on how to study!




  • Organize your notes. Keep a notebook for each class and folders to keep all class material in its proper place. Note cards are always helpful too!
  • Take thorough notes from lectures and textbooks and other sources.
  • Agendas are always useful as well. They help organize your life. You can set up a study schedule.


Study Space


  • Dedicate a space where you have all the materials necessary to help you study such as pencils, paper, books, laptop etc.
  • Make sure it’s distraction free! You can either go to your room or your favorite coffee shop. It all depends on where you know you won’t be distracted!


How Often Do You Study?


  • Don’t procrastinate! Studying doesn’t have to be for hours the night before. It could be 20-30 minutes in between classes or while you’re having lunch or whenever you have free lunch.
  • A student who does not review material can forget 80% of what has been learned in only two weeks!
  • Review frequently throughout the course so you retain more information. Its best to review what you just learned soon after you actually learned it. Then continue to do so throughout the course to help prep for the test.