Just read a wonderful book by Steven Antonoff and here are some high lights that I will let you know one myth at a time, so stay tuned for all 13 myths

Myth #1 “Colleges are either good or bad”

Not true says Steven, the key is not to look at colleges as good or bad but to look at them as ” Is X  a college good for me?”

He also says its equally inaccurate to say, “If I don’t recognize the college name, it’s probably not a good school”

The best colleges are not all in the East, so you should not have any preconceived notions when you start your college search. Clear you mind and begin fresh.  He says you want to guard against relying on stereotypes in looking for colleges. You also do not want to just rely on word of  mouth; just because someone went to Stanford and loved it, does not mean you will love it to. It may have been the right-fit for that person, but you are different, with different likes, dislikes, ideas, and beliefs, etc.  Stay tuned for Myth #2…..